Monday, September 28, 2020


For my magazine, I have chosen a June 2020 Queen magazine. The main vibe we are meant to grasp from the central splash is that it is a very dark and a sinister kind of band. In the central splash there is a class font with 'Queen' on it, telling us maybe that they are not a big and fisty rock band. There is also a pull quote saying 'we are special boys',  telling their audience that they are an invincible band that cannot be touched. There is also a triple deck layer of quotes at the bottom right, with celebrities expressing their thoughts on Queen and how hard they work.

The representation of the cover portrays Queen as something other then just a band. They are shown as a mysterious group of people that could be anyone doing anything, like villains in comic books. All their clothes are covered, they are all wearing black eyeliner and the lighting is driven towards their face exposing nothing else. This makes us think as an audience that they are a very stylish and dark band. Their facial expressions are all the same, with them seemingly staring directly at the camera like they are staring into our soul, ready to strike at any point. This further influences their mysterious and clueless vibe. Their positions are fairly similar except the band member at the top seems to overpower the other three in the band, possibly implying that he is the main leader. The main colours are black and white to resemble darkness and maybe power.


  1. Media language (first paragraph?): you note the darkness of the colour palette and how it connotes the Queen brand.By 'class font' you mean perhaps serif,cursive, traditional; this positions the band as 'rock royalty'. The term for the text bottom right is 'cover lines' not quotes. You needed to pick the version with the cover mount.

  2. Mark 5/10
    Media representation:you note the quality of mystery achieved through the use of dark colours, harsh lighting and the framing of the band looking directly at the audience.('Clueless' isn't the adjective that you were looking for.)You could draw attention to the low angle, the unsmiling faces, the ways in which their story is described as 'epic saga'(explain the connotations). Analyse the cover mount: here, Queen are represented as royalty with the Queen's insignia. You should also look at the writing in the cover lines and explain how other artists are represented, such as Sun Ra the 'healing force'.



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