Friday, November 27, 2020


The avengers 10 mark question

 Explain how historical contexts influenced the portrayal of heroes and villains in television programmes. Refer to The Avengers from 1965 to support your answer. (10 marks)

Historical contexts often influences the portrayal of heroes and villains in television programmes due to the time the programmes were filmed.  This can be seen in the Avengers.  The programme was made during the cold war, and a time where there were many stories about Russian spies. This influenced the portrayal because in a war there are usually heroes and villains depending on the country you are fighting for.   The creators of the avengers wanted to portray the British spies as the heroes of the show, Steed and Peel are shown fighting crime and saving the day, creating a sense of hope for younger kids that Britain will be the heroes of the war, and win it. This means that they are represented as the leaders and the heroes of the film, and they stand above others.

Another way in which historical contexts influenced the portrayal or heroes and villains in The Avengers is in how they portrayed women.   Around this time was when women were protesting for their own rights and would wanting their freedom.   This feminism influenced howPeel was shown in the programme. Emma Peel is the hero, a strong independent woman who was just as good as the men.   It gave women a sense of excitement and hope because they look up to Emma thinking that this is the type of person they want to be.  One time was when Steed comes to her apartment, Emma bosses Steed around and implies to him that she is not doing everything he says.   For example, she tells Steed that the cream for his coffee is in the kitchen. This is very important because it shows Emma having authority over Steed, which is something that women really wanted at the time. This draws the conclusion that Emma is portrayed as a hero for the women showing authority, showing the historical contexts.


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