Sunday, October 4, 2020



Establishing shot: My establishing shot will contain my lip syncing to the intro of the song, whilst cutting back and forth to me texting a girl saying 'we need to take a break' signified by the lyrics 'im sorry that I let you down' showing that im not putting any effort in, and that school is my only priority. 

Main idea/overview: I want this video to be of a lonely kid who hasn’t found himself and he needs to find some light at the end of the tunnel. By this I mean that he is going through a lot at school and being bullied, and he goes to the woods to find himself.  I will have some shots of me being made fun of and being bullied at school.  Mid way through the video (roughly) I will visit the Claremont woods. This will represent how small and insignificant my life is. 

After this, there will be a cut scene of me sitting at home doing prep on my laptop and I get a connection error, and out of anger I throw my pen down and I slam my laptop. After this I will seemingly take a break from everything, and try and go away from school work. As the song progresses, I get anger lip syncing which expresses how stressful school is getting, being the sameslow repetitive cycle that it is.

The final shot will consist of the sky cutting back and forth to me lip syncing with a crane shot. But in this instance, the sky is slowly zooming down towards me, and in the final 'let you down' of the song it pans to me with a close up, singing the final words.


 Q.5 Analyse the representation of gender on the front cover of The Observer. Give two examples from the extract. [5 marks]

This Observer cover primarily focuses on men. One example is that there is a picture of five police men surrounding a police woman. In terms of representation, it symbolises the men as powerful and strong, protecting the women in the middle from danger. Secondly, the skybox shows a story about a dad proudly and lovingly holding his son.  It is an article about Clive James and his son, who suffers from a disorder. This symbolises and represents the strength and love that men have for their children. From this, we can draw the conclusion that men are represented on the front cover as strong and powerful, but also loving and caring at the same time.

Q.9 In this question you will be rewarded for drawing together elements from your full course of study, including the theoretical framework and media contexts.

How far does the media language on the front cover of The Observer. reflect genre conventions? [15 marks] I have explained terms a bit to guide you!

In your answer, you should:

  • analyse the media language, using specific examples 
  • make judgements and draw conclusions about how far the media language reflects generic conventions (= looks like a quality broadsheet front cover) or other areas of the theoretical framework (= meets audience needs) and media contexts (= looks like a typical Observer production, bearing in mind its target audience and its ethos).

The Observer has lots of conventional broadsheet features on its front cover. For example, the first article you see in the central splash is about covid-19, which is probably the most relevant thing currently in the world. This is a feature of a broadsheet as it is hard news and not all bright and colourful like the tabloid conventional features. The Observer front, when you take away the skybox, looks very plain and bland.  This is typical of the olden days, compared to today's 'joy' that you get from tabloid newspapers. The seriff font makes it look very old style, especially in contrast to tabloid's colourful and modern fonts. The main Observer article contains information about Boris Johnson and how he is going to shift the rules about covid as the polls have had a drastic change, and the front picture shows a soldier that was killed a few days ago. Both are serious news articles.  This draws the conclusion that The Observer contains  many conventional broadsheet aspects to it.

This edition of The Observer also has some conventional tabloid features on the front cover. One example of this is having news that covers world events and interesting and exciting stories that hook a reader in. Some examples of this include sports news, celebrity news, and human interest stories about emotion. For example, in the skybox it has the story '20 autumn recipes' which is a typical story for a tabloid.  In addition, there are lots of colours and bursts at you, whereas the skyline has a economic story about covid that people can also read. The Observer also has the same structure of a newspaper to that of a tabloid. One of the reasons for this is because a few years back newspapers used to be double the size of normal papers but were then shrunk to save space and to do less harm to the environment due to wasting paper.

In conclusion, this Observer front cover contains both aspects from a broadsheet and tabloid conventions.  However, I think it has more focus towards a broadsheet, as the tabloid aspect only shows in the skybox and article about the dad and son. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

 Advice for 10 marker media language

Make 1 point per sentence.

Talk about the font, the text, the structure, how both people are shown.  

You can also talk about the brightness and how cluttered it is/how busy it is. 

For example, they both have title mastheads that spread from left to right. But one is a punchy as clean font where the other one is a formal seriff font. The mise en scene could not be any more different. For one of them, she is holding an instrument.

In conclusion, there are probably more different then similar. It is clear that they are music magazines because they have central splash, the artist in the main bit, and they are given a name tag. However, they are pushed towards different audiences.

If you have no time, write a conclusion. It is an easy 5 marks


NF - LET YOU DOWN Brief 3 - an original music video to accompany a hip hop music track aimed at an audience of 14-18 year olds Statement of ...