Wednesday, February 24, 2021


The hip hop song to interpret my music video is Let You Down, by NF. My video will be over 2 minutes, and plans to include several locations, shots and movements. This song relates to a younger audience of teenagers because the lyrics are relatable; someone having issues and has let their partner down, and he wishes he was forgiven for mistreating someone who wanted to treat well. This relates to relationship issues I have in my music video.

The narrative I have in my music will be related to the lyrics. It will convey the story of a young boy texting his partner, saying they need to take a break. I convey this by adding texts on the screen as each text is played out, whilst cutting between me passionately lip syncing the lyrics to the chorus 'I'm sorry that I let you down'. This expresses my feelings and that I need to find a way to escape this bubble I am in, in my life. I have text bubbles popping out of the screen to the side instead of showing my phone.

I am in the snow with white and black clothes on because it represents darkness and in a lonely place. Also, it is a genre convention, with my bottoms, hoodie and stereotypical teen clothes. I show my stress when I do a shot of me opining my laptop, viewing an essay. Whilst doing this lip syncing in the snow, and behind my green screen (which is a shot of the woods), I'm doing the essay and struggling to do it, and continuously put my head down disappointingly. When the main beat hits, there is a 2 second clip of my body shattering into pieces using special effects, to represent how I want to disappear. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

TV IN THE 2010s


1. Explain technological convergence. [2]

Technological convergence is where 2 different forms of technology form to create a brand new outcome. A good example of this is the smartphone.

2. Explain 'channel surfing'. [2]

Channel surfing is the action of switching through different channels on yur remote control on your TV, to find a channel that tailors your taste.

3. Give 3 examples of how channels create brand loyalty [6]

One example of creating brand loyalty is by having a production value that is high quality. As a result of this, people will see your companies work and recognise that if they are watching your work, it is guaranteed to be high quality. Another way is to have a good storyline that interests viewers. This leads to a grappling and higher end watch, that viewers will enjoy more. The final way is by hiring famous actors for the fans' sake. By this, it means that if your lead actor is a fan favourite by many, they may watch it just for the purpose of him being in it.

4. What is 'long form television drama' ? [2]

The strand of showing long series of dramas on a channel.

5. What is a 'flagship' programme? [2]

A very long waited programme that has a lot of hype built around it.

6. In exchange for the licence fee, what does the regulator require of the BBC as a Public Service Broadcasting channel? [6]

The BBC have to offer good production value, unique and well built programmes that are guaranteed to grip viewers that are into a type of series they are watching from the BBC. They are also required to show UK culture and its beliefs to everyone watching BBC outside the UK. They are also regulated to have diversity and different ethnicties in their shows. Also, they are required to inform viewers and give out news.

Monday, February 8, 2021


 We look at current news articles about the BBC and return to the OCR fact sheet on the television industry.  

According to The Times newspaper this week,  watching TV live and in real time accounts for most TV viewing.

  1. What do you understand by the terms 'live' content and 'on demand' content?

 On demand content is when the viewer of the show can watch it to their liking, whenever they want. For example, if during the weekend they want to watch a show, they can easily switch on the television and put that show on. In contrast, live content is when the viewer has to come at a specific time to watch the film. For example, a show at 8:00 premieres every single day of the month, an example of this is the AMC show Prison Break.

2. What is the demand for 'live' content like?

 On demand television is a lot more used then live television, this is due to it being more convenient as you can view it in your free time, in contrast to live where you can only watch it at one specific time. 

3. According to ratings research, there are 8 programmes cited as the top live shows for family viewing. How many have you watched?

 I have watched most of them, the one I have watched a lot over the last few years. This appears on the BritBox service, and appears at 9 every day, when it is on. This show is a family focused entertainment, and comedy show. It applies to all age groups and is something the family can watch, and it brings entertainment pleasures for all age groups. This show is one of the biggest British shows consistently over the past few years, but is losing some popularity due to on demand streaming platforms having taken over such as Amazon Prime. This is due to them having a much bigger budget, and it is more convenient to watch.

 4. Apply Blumler and Katz's audience framework to what you learn from this article.

Entertainment - Television shows audiences emotions, and it also lets them be entertained by things such as suspense, and thrill in certain television shows. This is used to engage audiences and make them hooked as possible into the show. An example of this is David Attenborough's show, in the article where he entertains us.

Relationships - you are able to build relationships through programmes with people who have a similar taste to you, it can also result in more family time.

Monday, February 1, 2021


 1. How has technology changed the way people use newspapers?

One way technology has changed the way we use newspapers is that almost all of read our newspapers online. This is due to it being more convenient, as our phone can be used as a portable newspaper. Large broadsheets are very annoying to carry around, whereas with our phone is consistently in our pocket and we never let go of it, making it a lot easier to use daily. Also, you can have interactions with other people who own the newspapers, via social media sites like Twitter or Instagram, where people can drop their comments below. 

Thanks to new technology we can gather news from certain areas promptly and upload them as soon as they happen. This allows them to upload things a lot quicker, which as a result makes them a primary source of news to a lot of audiences. Also, people from the public can contribute with their photos of the news, making them be quicker in producing their news. To add articles are a lot more interactive as since they are online, the public can share their views on the paper. This allows magazines to make improvements on their articles based on the comments, such as making certain areas more specific and precise.


NF - LET YOU DOWN Brief 3 - an original music video to accompany a hip hop music track aimed at an audience of 14-18 year olds Statement of ...