Monday, September 7, 2020



How we introduced to Ryan and Jake (10 marks).

The introduction of Ryan begins within the first few seconds of cuffs.  Ryan is currently on a job to stop people at a nude beach from fighting, and he is getting out of his police car towards the centre of action. Whilst this is happening, a chief officer is speaking about how we represent our country through the badge we wear.  This makes the scene ironic because as he is saying this, Ryan is failing at his job. He is making a small amount of progress breaking up the people at the scene, but realises he is no match for them and follows the correct protocol by asking for backup.  As a one man team he does a reasonable job at stopping the fight, but in the end he gets put on the floor by a punch in the face. You can tell he has experience because he was following the correct protocols in the beginning scene, and he has a good understanding of the officer terminology that we often hear.

As I said earlier, a chief officer is talking about how we need to stand up for our country and how we hold the police badge with pride, whilst Ryan is losing a battle. This officer is holding a speech to introduce his brand new additions to his team of officers, one of those people being Jake.  He calls Jake to come up and join the police force. As he does this, you can tell that he is very confident, because he feels he has made his father proud. He also has a slight grin on his face, which shows that he is looking down at the police officers who are next to him whilst he gets his moment of glory. However, this will later show to be  inexperience as Jake is shown to be very unprepared for the day to day life as an officer, shown by his lack of skill and leadership. This is because as the chief's son, he gets slightly biased treatment compared to the other officers.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 5/10 Aim to copy/paste the actual question at the top of the post as this makes revision easier and you can be sure of answering the prep more accurately, too.
    You are a little hard on Ryan who seems to be calm and controlled despite being outnumbered. You should also analyse how Ryan comes across when he is handed the role of 'babysitting' the chief super's son: he looks unimpressed and sounds sarcastic so he is business-like, even harsh, with Jake. You are right to pick up on Jake's confident smile as his father congratulates him but could contrast that with his looks of unease and intimidation when Ryan takes control of his first day at work.



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